Britney Spears Is Now BFFs With Olympians Adam Rippon And Gus Kenworthy And We Are Jealous!!!

Do y'all have room for another BFF??? Pleeeeeeeeeease???

Britney Spears, like the rest of America, has been swept up in love with Team USAout at the Olympics in Korea!

In particular Brit has her eye on the guys we've been eyeing all month long, too: figure skater Adam Rippon, and skierGus Kenworthy!!!

On Saturday afternoon, Brit sent a personalized tweet to Kenworthy ahead of one of his runs down the slopes for Team USA (below):

That hashtag! HA!!!

And that was actually a follow-up tweet to an earlier one she had sent hours earlier to Rippon before his free skate at the Winter Games this weekend (below):


So fun!!!

But what made it even more fun was the responses from the two athletes!!!

Hours after Brit's tweet, Rippon responded in his typical DGAF funny fashion, and it's EVERYTHING (below):


And later, Kenworthy got in on the act, too!

Here's his response after he saw an icon like BRITNEY SPEARS was watching him compete for Team USA (below)!!!

Love it so much!!! Now THIS is the real spirit of the Olympics, right?!?!

Can we be BFFs with these three too??

Some guys have all the luck! Ha!!!

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