Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!

Martin ShkreliJared FogleRachel Dolezal.
Wouldn't you just be happier if you didn't know their names??
People get their 15 minutes in all kinds of ways these days, but whether it's viral trainwrecks, reality TV stars gone bad, or just plain cartoonish villains, these are some celebrities the world would have been better off never meeting.
Check out our list (below) and let us know who YOU wish you'd never heard of! 
CLICK HERE to view "Terrible 'Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!"
CLICK HERE to view "Terrible 'Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!"
CLICK HERE to view "Terrible 'Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!"
CLICK HERE to view "Terrible 'Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!"

CLICK HERE to view "Terrible 'Celebrities' Whose Names You Wish You Didn't Know!"

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